Insignia of The Wing THE WING of AsMA


Dr. Laurel Clark, Astronaut.

Past Honorary Members

2002:  Dr. Sandra Mooney, Director of Medical Services, British Airways

2000: Barbara Stegmann, M.D.
Aerospace medicine researcher, educator,and hyperbaric medicine physician

1999: Capt. Linda V. Hutton, USN
Naval Aviator, first female Commander of a Naval Squadron

1998: Lt. Col. Regina C. Aune, Ph.D., R.N., USAF
Commandant of the Graduate School of Nursing, Associate Dean and Chair of the Department of Nursing Research in the Graduate School of Nursing at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Inc.

1997:  Col Marian B. Sides, USAFR
President, Education Enterprise Inc.

1996:  Dr. Mary Anne Frey
Neuro Lab Program Scientist for NASA; Scientific Chairman of Space and Life Science, Meharry School of Medicine

1995:  LTC(P) Cherry Gaffney, USA, MC
Division Surgeon, 101st Infantry Division; Aviation Medicine Specialist; Pathologist

1994:  Dr. Yukiko Kakimoto
Flight Safety Research Physiologist; Assistant Director, Behavioral Science Division, Japan Air Self Defense Force

1993:  Dr. Roberta L. Bondar
Canadian Astronaut, Payload Specialist; Neurologist

1992:  Susan P. Baker, MPH
Professor of Health Policy & Management, Johns Hopkins University; Co-Director, Injury Prevention Center, The Johns Hopkins University Injury Prevention Center

1991:  Nancy Hopkins Tier (Deceased)
President, International Women's Air and Space Museum; Member of United Flying Octagenarians

1990:  Dr. Joan Vernikos-Danellis
Research Pharmacologist; uthor; Deputy Director of Life Sciences, NASA-Ames Research Center

1989:  Mrs. Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Deceased)
Aviation Pioneer; Author

1988:  BG Claire Garrecht, NC (Ret) (Deceased)
San Antonio, TX

1987:  None

1986:  Ms. Delores B. O'Hare, RN
Human Research Facility, NASA-Ames Research Center

1985: None

1984:  Dr. Adrienne Whyte
Researcher; Reacher; Occupational Health Program Director and Occupational Medicine Consultant, Tio Technology, Inc.

1983:  Dr. Sarah Ann Nunneley
Research Scientist, Environmental Science Division, USAFSAM; Board Certified in Aerospace Medicine

1982:  Dr. Carolyn S. Leach-Houtoon
Aerospace Endocrinologist, Johnson Space Center

1981:  Ms. Mary Norsworthy
Research Scientist, Acceleration Physiology

1980:  Mrs. Alice M. Stoll
Biophysicist; Research and Development, Warminister

1979:  Dr. Anna Baetjer (Deceased)
Professor Emeritus, Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Works

1978:  Mr. Mary F. Foley
Research Physiologist

1977:  Mr. Charlotte Smith
Aerospace Physiologist, Johnson Space Center

1976:  Miss Emma Fessenden
Research Scientist, Lab and Field Acceleration, Dynamic Simulation Branch, Crew Systems Department, NADCP

1975:  Ms. Rita Rapp (Deceased)
Environmental Physiologist, Aerospace Technologist, Johnson Space Center

1974:  Mrs. Marjorie Townsend
Project Manager, Small Astronomy Satellite, Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA

1973:  Mus Donald Quarles (Deceased)
Special Assistant for Women's Aviation, FAA

1972:  Mrs. Barbara C. Johnson
Engineering MAnager, Apollo Program, North American  Rockwell

1971:  None

1970:  Col Virginia Alena (Deceased)
Research and Development in Medical Equipment

1969:  Dr. Gloira Chisum
Physiologist, Vision Laboratory, Johnsville Naval Air Development Center

1968:  None.
Mrs. T.C. Bedwell, Jr., Mrs. Ludwig G. Lederer, and Mrs. Frank B. Voris were members honored for outstanding contribution to the Wives' Wing.

1967:  Miss Jean Ross Howard
Director, Helicopter Activities, Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc.

1966:  Capt. Elizabeth Reeves, USN, MSC
Research Physiologist

1965:  Lt. Col. Elizabeth Guild, USAF (Deceased)
Research Audiologist

1964:  Mrs. Phillip A Hart
Jet Pilot; Qualified Astronaut

1963:  Mrs. Constance Wolf (Deceased)
Licensed Balloonist and World Title Holder

1962:  Miss Gloria W. Heath
Director of Private Flying, Flight Safety Foundation

1961:  Mrs. Laurel Roennau
Bio-Astronautic Engineer

1960:  None

1959:  Capt. Mary F. Keener, USN, MSC
Aviation Physiologist

1958:  Dr. Florence W. van Straten (Deceased)
Atmospheric Physicist, U.S. Navy

1957:  Mrs. Blanche Noyes (Deceased)
Chief, Air Marking Staff, CAA

1956:  Dr. Mae Link
Chief Historian, Office of the Surgeon General

1956:  Capt. Antoinette Kelso Fears, USAF, MC
Heroic Rescue, Panama Canal Zone

1955:  None

1954:  Jacqueline Cochran (Deceased)
American Businesswoman; Pioneer Airplane Pilot

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Nominating Guidelines

Since the Wing selected Jacqueline Cochran as its first Honorary Member in 1954, we have honored many outstanding women.

The guidelines for nominating candidates for Honorary Membership of the Wing of AsMA are as follows:

* Candidates must be submitted with accompanying biographies to the Honorary Member Committee Chair by the January 15th deadline. Nominations can be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the addresses stated below;

* Biographies should contain information that clearly indicates the nominee is a woman who is distinguished in the field of aviation medicine, aeronautics, or related activities, which could include areas of education and operations;

* Biographies should include the nominee's name and current address, educational background, professional experience, awards, honors, publications, professional membership organizations and affiliations and any other information which might assist the committee in its consideration.

* Any Wing member may submit a nomination. All nominations will be considered for a period of 2 years.

Please send nominations and biographies to the Chair:

Joan Marinelli
3512 Alma Ave
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266-3331
Phone: (310) 545-8446
Fax: (310) 545-5288


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This section last updated on October 3, 2003.
